Top 10 Keyword Research Tools for SEO in 2024

Unlock the potential of your SEO campaigns with our 2024 guide to the best keyword research tools. Discover tools that match every need and budget.

Moe Kaloub

July 22, 2024

15 minute read

If you're looking to boost your website's traffic in 2024, you need to use the right keyword research tools. These tools help you find the best keywords to target so more people can find your site on Google. I've put together a list of the top 10 keyword research tools along with some other helpful info. Let's dive in and find the perfect tools for you!

Why Keyword Research Matters for SEO

Before we get to the tools, let's talk about why keyword research is so important. When you use the right keywords:

  • More people can find your website when they search on Google
  • You can create content that matches what people are looking for
  • You can see what keywords your competitors are targeting
  • You can find new topics and ideas to write about

So basically, keyword research is a must if you want your website to succeed. The tools in this list will help you do it the right way.

How We Picked the Top Keyword Research Tools

There are tons of keyword tools out there, so how did we choose the top 10? We looked at a bunch of factors:

  • Data accuracy: The tool uses reliable data sources
  • Keyword suggestions: It gives lots of good keyword ideas
  • Metrics and analysis: You get helpful data like search volume, competition levels, etc.
  • SERP analysis: It shows info about the top search results for a keyword
  • Filtering and organizing: You can easily sort through the keyword lists
  • Workflow: The tool fits well with an SEO workflow
  • Pricing: The tool has affordable plans for different budgets
  • Ease of use: It has a simple interface and is easy to learn

We carefully scored each tool on these criteria to pick the best ones. So you can trust our list to steer you in the right direction.

TL;DR: Key Takeaways

  • Keyword research is crucial for SEO success in 2024
  • Our top 10 picks are: Swiftbrief, Semrush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, AnswerThePublic, Moz, Keywords Everywhere, Ubersuggest, Keyword Snatcher, Google Trends
  • Swiftbrief is our top choice for automated content briefs based on keyword data
  • Semrush has the largest keyword database with 24 billion keywords
  • Ahrefs provides the most in-depth keyword metrics and analysis
  • Use multiple tools to get the most comprehensive keyword research

Comparing the Top Keyword Research Tools

Best Keyword Research Tools Comparison


Data Accuracy

Keyword Suggestions

Keyword Metrics

SERP Analysis

Filtering & Organization

Workflow Integration


Ease of Use




























Google Keyword Planner


















Moz Keyword Explorer









Keywords Everywhere


















Keyword Snatcher









Google Trends









1. Swiftbrief

Swiftbrief Website April 2024
Swiftbrief Website April 2024

What Swiftbrief is Best Known For

If you want to save a bunch of time on content research and planning, Swiftbrief is your new best friend. It automates the whole process of finding keywords, grouping them into topics, and creating detailed content briefs.

Here's how it works:

  1. Swiftbrief analyzes the top 20 search results for a topic
  2. It finds all the relevant keywords in those results
  3. It groups the keywords into clusters based on similar themes
  4. It generates a content brief with the keyword clusters, an outline, and recommended topics to cover

So instead of spending hours doing keyword research yourself, you get an AI-powered brief to guide your content in just a few minutes. Pretty sweet, right?


  • Saves tons of time on content research and planning
  • Uses real search data to find the most relevant keywords
  • Makes it easy to collaborate with writers using the generated briefs


  • Limited info on where exactly it pulls keyword data from
  • Pricing isn't clearly listed on website

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 4/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 5/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 4/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 4/5
  • Filtering and organization: 5/5
  • Integration and workflow: 5/5
  • Pricing and scalability: Unknown
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Swiftbrief

SEO and content pros love how much time Swiftbrief saves them on research. They say the briefs it generates are super high-quality and helpful for planning relevant content.

Some people wish there was more transparency about where the keyword data comes from. But overall, experts agree it's an innovative tool that solves a big pain point.


The pricing for Swiftbrief isn't clearly listed on their site. It likely depends on factors like how many briefs you generate. You'll need to contact them for a custom quote.

Where to Find It

You can learn more about Swiftbrief at

2. Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool April 2024
Semrush Keyword Magic Tool April 2024

What Semrush Keyword Magic Tool is Best Known For

Semrush is like the godfather of SEO tools. And their Keyword Magic Tool is a major reason why. It has a massive database of over 24 billion keywords across 142 countries. That's a lot of keywords!

With Keyword Magic Tool, you can:

  • Get tons of keyword ideas, including questions and related terms
  • See metrics like search volume, competition levels, and keyword intent
  • Narrow down lists using smart filters
  • Analyze the SERP for any keyword

Basically, if you want to leave no stone unturned with keyword research, this tool has your back. It'll help you find high-potential keywords your competitors don't know about yet.


  • Huge, accurate keyword database with great filtering options
  • Gives a ton of keyword ideas and variations
  • In-depth metrics to analyze the potential and competition of keywords


  • Can be expensive compared to other tools
  • Might be overwhelming at first because it has so many features

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 5/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 5/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 5/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 4/5
  • Filtering and organization: 5/5
  • Integration and workflow: 5/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 4/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

SEOs rave about how reliable Semrush's keyword data is. They love being able to pull in a ton of ideas and slice the lists with filters.

Some folks say it can be pricey, especially for a small biz or solo operation. But most agree the depth of data is worth it if you're serious about SEO.


Semrush packages start from $108.33/month if you pay yearly or $129.95/month if you pay monthly. The Keyword Magic Tool is part of the monthly packages.

Where to Find It

Head to SEMRUSH to learn more about Semrush and the Keyword Magic Tool.

3. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer April 2024
Ahrefs Keyword Explorer April 2024

What Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is Best Known For

Ahrefs is another power player in the SEO world. And their Keyword Explorer is scary good at uncovering keyword gems. It doesn't just show search volume and difficulty. It goes way deeper.

For each keyword, you get data like:

  • Organic click rate (how many searchers actually click on a result)
  • How many links you'll need to rank in the top 5
  • Estimates of how much traffic you could get by ranking
  • Keyword ideas pulled from the top 100 results

In a nutshell, it's the Swiss army knife of keyword research. You can see how valuable and realistic a keyword is to target. So you can prioritize the lowest-hanging fruit.


  • Super in-depth keyword metrics you won't find anywhere else
  • Reliable data based on Ahrefs' huge web index
  • Great SERP analysis features


  • Can have a bit of a learning curve at first
  • Some metrics are Ahrefs-specific, like their "KD" keyword difficulty score

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 5/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 4/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 5/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 5/5
  • Filtering and organization: 4/5
  • Integration and workflow: 4/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 4/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

SEO nerds go gaga for all the juicy data in Ahrefs. They love being able to see metrics like traffic potential and how many links you'll need to rank.

The main complaint is that it can be a bit complex for total beginners. But pros say it's 100% worth learning the tool if you want to be an SEO boss.


Ahrefs plans start at $99/month if you want access to the core keyword research features. Agency plans with higher limits are available too.

Where to Find It

To see everything Ahrefs has to offer, check out

4. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner April 2024

What Google Keyword Planner is Best Known For

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that's part of Google Ads. But it's not just for PPC folks. It's also handy for SEO keyword research. The best part? The data comes straight from the world's biggest search engine.

With Keyword Planner, you can:

  • See search volumes for any keyword
  • Get keyword ideas based on a seed keyword
  • Multiply keyword lists to get even more ideas
  • Use filters to customize your results

Since the data is coming from Google itself, you know it's legit. It's a solid starting point for any keyword research project. And you can't beat the price tag of $0!


  • Data comes directly from Google
  • 100% free to use
  • Easy for beginners to learn


  • Lacks some metrics like keyword difficulty
  • Doesn't have any SERP analysis features
  • Not as many features as paid keyword tools

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 5/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 4/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 3/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 2/5
  • Filtering and organization: 3/5
  • Integration and workflow: 3/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 5/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Google Keyword Planner

SEOs dig that Keyword Planner data comes right from the source. You know you're getting the real deal search volumes.

But a lot of folks say it's too basic for advanced SEO. It lacks metrics and features that other tools have. So it's best used along with other keyword research software.


Google Keyword Planner is totally free. But you'll need a Google Ads account to access it (you don't have to run any ads though). And the data can be limited if you're not spending money on ads.

Where to Find It

To use Keyword Planner, set up an account at navigate to the Tools & Settings menu.

5. AnswerThePublic

Answer the Public Website April 2024
Answer the Public Website April 2024

What AnswerThePublic is Best Known For

AnswerThePublic listens to autocomplete data from search engines like Google then quickly spits out every useful phrase and question people are asking around your keyword.

It's a goldmine of consumer insight you can use to create fresh, ultra-useful content, products and services. The kind your customers really want.

AnswerThePublic is most famous for visualizing search questions and suggested autocomplete searches in an image called a search cloud. It looks super cool and provides an overview of the main topics around a seed keyword.

The search clouds are a handy way to see clusters of topics to go after. Then you can dig into the alphabetical lists of questions, prepositions, and comparisons to get specific content ideas.


  • Makes finding content topics and focus keywords a breeze
  • Super easy to use, even if you're an SEO newbie
  • Affordable paid plans give you more searches per day


  • Lacks keyword metrics like search volume and difficulty
  • No SERP analysis or competitor research features
  • Not a comprehensive keyword research tool on its own

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 4/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 5/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 2/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 2/5
  • Filtering and organization: 3/5
  • Integration and workflow: 3/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 4/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 5/5

What People Say About AnswerThePublic

Content marketers love AnswerThePublic for cooking up awesome blog post ideas based on what people are actually searching for.

SEOs use it to find juicy long tail keywords to go after. But most say you need to pair it with another tool to see metrics and competition levels for the keywords.


You can get a limited number of free searches per day with AnswerThePublic. Paid plans with unlimited searches start from just $5/month, so it's super affordable.

Where to Find It

Cruise over to to try AnswerThePublic for yourself!

6. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer Website April 2024
Moz Keyword Explorer Website April 2024

What Moz Keyword Explorer is Best Known For

Moz is a big name in the SEO space. Their Keyword Explorer tool is part of a larger SEO software suite. So it plays nice with their other tools for site audits, rank tracking, and link research.

With Keyword Explorer, you can:

  • Get search volume and difficulty scores for keywords
  • Find keyword suggestions that match your site
  • See a SERP analysis and "organic clickthrough rate" for keywords
  • Prioritize keywords by "potential" and see "keyword opportunity" scores

The keyword suggestions are pretty solid. And the SERP analysis gives you a quick look at what you're up against to rank. But the real standout feature is the scoring system for prioritizing keywords.


  • Keyword suggestions and data come from trusted sources
  • SERP analysis and "potential" score help you prioritize keywords
  • Integrates with other helpful Moz SEO tools


  • Keyword suggestions aren't quite as extensive as other tools
  • SERP analysis isn't super detailed
  • Can get pricey, especially for small businesses or solopreneurs

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 4/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 4/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 4/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 3/5
  • Filtering and organization: 4/5
  • Integration and workflow: 4/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 3/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz fans dig Keyword Explorer for finding solid keyword ideas and checking search volume. The SERP analysis and scoring features also get a thumbs up.

Some folks wish it had more robust keyword suggestions and filtering options like other tools, though. And smaller teams can have a hard time swinging the higher price tag.


Moz's pricing packages start at $99/month for their "Standard" plan which includes Keyword Explorer. It can be a bit steep if you're on a tight budget. But you get all their other SEO tools rolled in too.

Where to Find It

To see the full scoop on Moz's tools, head over to

7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere Website April 2024
Keywords Everywhere Website April 2024

What Keywords Everywhere is Best Known For

Keywords Everywhere is a nifty browser extension that shows you keyword data on the websites you already visit. It's like having an SEO dashboard right in your browser!

Once you install the extension, you'll see data on your favorite sites like:

  • Google search results pages
  • Amazon product listings
  • YouTube videos
  • Wikipedia articles
  • And more

You can quickly see search volume, cost-per-click, and competition for keywords without opening another tool. The extension also gives you related keyword ideas as you browse.


  • Makes it easy to do keyword research on the go
  • Gathers data from reliable sources
  • Super simple for anyone to use


  • Keyword suggestions are fairly basic
  • No advanced filtering or analysis features
  • Doesn't replace a full-fledged keyword research tool

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 4/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 3/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 4/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 3/5
  • Filtering and organization: 3/5
  • Integration and workflow: 4/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 4/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 5/5

What People Say About Keywords Everywhere

Fans of Keywords Everywhere love how quick and simple it makes basic keyword research. It's a big hit with content writers who like seeing data right on the pages they're working on.

More advanced SEOs say it's a handy companion tool to use alongside a full keyword research platform. But on its own, it's a bit limited for comprehensive keyword analysis.


Keywords Everywhere has affordable plans starting at just $19.92 paid annually. So it won't break the bank to add it to your keyword research toolkit.

Where to Find It

To get Keywords Everywhere for Chrome or Firefox, swing by

8. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest Website April 2024
Ubersuggest Website April 2024

What Ubersuggest is Best Known For

Ubersuggest is an SEO and keyword research tool created by digital marketing guru Neil Patel. It's known for having a solid free version that gives you quite a bit of data.

On the keyword research side, Ubersuggest lets you:

  • Get search volume and competition data for seed keywords
  • See a big list of keyword ideas, including questions
  • Filter keyword suggestions by search volume, cost-per-click, or competition
  • Analyze the Google SERP for a keyword

One thing that makes Ubersuggest stand out is the "Content Ideas" feature. It shows you popular blog posts and articles related to your keyword. Super helpful for planning content that has a shot at ranking!


  • Generous free plan with tons of features
  • Keyword data comes from Google Keyword Planner and other reliable sources
  • Easy for beginners to pick up and use


  • Some limits on keyword suggestions and results in the free plan
  • Paid plans are affordable but can be limiting for bigger sites or agencies
  • Not quite as feature-rich as other premium SEO tools

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 4/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 5/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 4/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 3/5
  • Filtering and organization: 4/5
  • Integration and workflow: 3/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 5/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 5/5

What People Say About Ubersuggest

The SEO community digs Ubersuggest for being a solid free/low-cost alternative to pricier tools. Beginners especially like how easy it is to use.

Power users sometimes wish it had more robust features and data. But for the price, most say you get a good bang for your buck.


You can use a limited version of Ubersuggest for free. Paid plans start at just $29/month for more keywords, data, and features. Overall it's one of the most affordable tools out there.

Where to Find It

Head to to try out Ubersuggest for yourself.

9. Keyword Snatcher

Keyword Snatcher Website April 2024
Keyword Snatcher Website April 2024

What Keyword Snatcher is Best Known For

Keyword Snatcher is a desktop application built for one thing: generating a ton of long tail keyword ideas FAST.

Just give it a seed keyword and it will scan Google Autocomplete, Google Keyword Planner, and other sources to "snatch" up relevant phrases. It's not uncommon to get 2000+ keywords from a single search!

Keyword Snatcher is a great tool for finding obscure "long tail" keywords that your competitors might not know about. It uncovers queries and phrases people are searching for related to your niche.


  • Generates a huge number of keywords quickly
  • Finds unique long tail keyword ideas
  • Pulls from multiple data sources


  • Doesn't show search volume or advanced metrics
  • No SERP analysis features
  • Keywords still need to be analyzed with other tools

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 3/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 5/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 2/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 1/5
  • Filtering and organization: 2/5
  • Integration and workflow: 2/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 4/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 3/5

What People Say About Keyword Snatcher

SEOs like Keyword Snatcher for uncovering unique keyword ideas they wouldn't find in other tools. They say it's a great way to unearth low-competition keywords in your niche.

The main drawback is that it doesn't give you search volume or competitive analysis for the keywords. So you have to export them to another tool to see that data.


Keyword Snatcher is a one-time purchase, not a monthly subscription. But the pricing isn't clearly listed on the website. It's likely under $100 for a lifetime license though.

Where to Find It

Check out for more info on Keyword Snatcher.

10. Google Trends

Google Trends Website April 2024
Google Trends Website April 2024

What Google Trends is Best Known For

Google Trends is a free tool that lets you see the popularity of a search term over time. It gives you a bird's eye view of whether a keyword is trending up or down.

While it's not a traditional keyword research tool, it has some handy features for SEO like:

  • Seeing a keyword's popularity over time and by region
  • Comparing the popularity of multiple keywords
  • Finding related queries that are trending
  • Seeing topics and queries related to your niche or industry

Google Trends is a great way to gauge overall interest in a topic. That can help you decide if it's worth targeting a particular keyword or content idea.


  • Shows interest in keywords over time
  • Helps discover trending topics and queries
  • Free to use


  • No keyword suggestions or search volume data
  • Doesn't integrate directly with other SEO tools
  • Data is relative, not absolute

Criteria Scores

  • Data sources and accuracy: 5/5
  • Keyword suggestion capabilities: 3/5
  • Keyword analysis and metrics: 3/5
  • SERP analysis and competitor research: 2/5
  • Filtering and organization: 3/5
  • Integration and workflow: 2/5
  • Pricing and scalability: 5/5
  • User experience and learning curve: 4/5

What People Say About Google Trends

The SEO community sees Google Trends as more of an "add-on" tool than a primary keyword research platform. They like it for uncovering rising keyword trends and spotting seasonal patterns.

But it's not a replacement for traditional keyword tools. Marketers say it's best used along with other software that can show search volumes, competition levels, etc.


Google Trends is 100% free to use for anyone. No paid plans or upgrades required.

Where to Find It

Go to to start exploring the wonderful world of Google Trends!

Notable Mentions

While our top 10 tools are the cream of the keyword research crop, there are a few other tools worth mentioning:

Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is a straightforward site for generating keyword ideas from multiple sources like Google Autocomplete. It doesn't have a ton of bells and whistles. But it's great for getting a quick list of keyword suggestions to explore further in other tools.


Soovle is similar to Keyword Tool but it pulls suggestions from even more sources like Wikipedia, Amazon, and YouTube. It's another easy way to get keyword ideas from multiple places without doing all the searches yourself.

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free Chrome extension that shows estimated search volume right on Google search pages. It also generates related keyword ideas. While not super advanced, it's a handy way to get quick keyword data as you search Google.

Keyword Research FAQs

Got burning questions about keyword research? We've got answers!

What is keyword research and why is it important?

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines. The goal is to use that data to optimize your content around those terms.

It's important because ranking for the right keywords can make or break your traffic. By researching keywords for their popularity, search volume, and general intent, you can tackle queries that your target audience is searching for.

What's the best keyword research tool?

This really depends on your needs and budget. But if we had to pick a few of the top dogs:

  • Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz are the most comprehensive and versatile tools for established websites.
  • Ubersuggest and Google Keyword Planner are great free/low-cost options for beginners.
  • Swiftbrief is best for automating keyword ideas for content briefs.
  • Answer the Public excels at question-focused content topics.

How can I do keyword research for free?

There are a handful of free keyword tools that can get the job done. Google Keyword Planner is the go-to free tool since the data comes straight from Google. But tools like Google Trends, Ubersuggest, Answer the Public, and Keywords Everywhere also have generous free plans.

How do I choose the right keywords?

Focus on keywords that are relevant to your niche, have decent search volume, and are realistic to rank for. Look for keywords with high relevance, high volume, and low competition. Prioritize keywords that match what your target customers are really searching for.

What is long tail keyword research?

Long tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they're closer to a point-of-purchase or when they're using voice search. They're a little bit counter-intuitive, at least when it comes to SEO. But they can be hugely valuable if you know how to use them.

The Bottom Line on Keyword Research

Keyword research is hands-down one of the most important parts of SEO. It's how you find out what your target audience is searching for and optimize your content to match.

Remember, search engines are answer machines. They scour the web for content that matches search queries. Your mission is to create that content - and keyword research tells you what to create.

The right keyword research tool makes the job a whole lot easier. The tools on this list can help you:

  • Find awesome keyword ideas
  • Analyze keywords for search volume and competition
  • Find question-focused content topics
  • Automate keyword research for content briefs
  • Track keyword rankings

My advice? Try a few tools to see which you like best. Many have free trials so you can get a feel for how they work.

Whether you go for a free Google tool or spring for a full-featured keyword research platform, it's all about finding those money-making keywords to boost your rankings and traffic. So get out there and start researching!

Final Thoughts on Keyword Research Tools

Phew, we covered a lot of ground in this keyword research tool breakdown! I hope you found it helpful and learned a thing or two.

At the end of the day, there's no "magic bullet" keyword research tool. It's about finding the tool (or tools) that fit your workflow and goals.

My biggest tips for getting the most out of any keyword tool:

  1. Think about search intent - what does the searcher really want to know?
  2. Prioritize relevance over search volume
  3. Don't sleep on long tail keywords
  4. Look for content gaps your competitors aren't covering
  5. Use keywords as a starting point for killer content, not a magic traffic button

Above all, remember that keyword research is just one part of SEO. It tells you what topics to go after. But you still need to create awesome, user-focused content that deserves to rank.

As the old saying goes, "It's not the keyword research that ranks. It's the content you create with it." (Ok, I totally made that up. But it's true!)

Whether you're a solopreneur blogger or an SEO pro, I wish you all the best in your keyword research adventures. May the search volume be ever in your favor!

This piece was created with a professional brief

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