Google Keyword Planner Alternatives Near the Beginning

Discover the top 11 Google Keyword Planner alternatives for 2024, including comprehensive reviews on their features, pricing, and usability

Elie Akl

July 17, 2024

24 minure read

When it comes to keyword research, Google Keyword Planner has long been a go-to tool for keyword research for SEOs and digital marketers. But it has some limits and isn't always perfect for every user. Luckily, there are tons of alternatives to Google Keyword Planner that can give you more features, better data, and interfaces that are easier to use. In this roundup, we'll look at the top 11 keyword research tools for 2024. We'll check out their features, pricing, pros, cons, and more to help you choose the best keyword research tools. Whether you need more advanced SEO tools, cheaper options, or special keyword research abilities, you'll find something here.

Various keyword research tools on computer screens
Various keyword research tools on computer screens


Here's a quick summary of the top 11 Google Keyword Planner alternatives for 2024:

  • Swiftbrief: Comprehensive keyword research, clustering, content briefs. Affordable. Real-time optimization. Limited free features. Rating: 4.5/5
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: All-around SEO tool. Priority score. Competitive research. Limited free plan. Rating: 4/5
  • Ahrefs: Simple SEO tools. Keyword Difficulty Checker. Keyword research for non-search engines. Expensive. Rating: 4/5
  • Semrush: For advanced SEO pros. Keyword Magic Tool. Competitive Keyword Gap analysis. Can be overwhelming for beginners. Rating: 4.5/5
  • Great for long-tail keyword suggestions. Uses Google Autocomplete. Supports multiple languages. Basic interface. Rating: 4/5
  • KWFinder: Easy to use interface. Shows exact search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC. Limited free searches. Rating: 4.5/5
  • Ubersuggest: Affordable and user-friendly. Keyword suggestions. SEO audit. Data can be inconsistent. Rating: 4/5
  • WordStream: Free keyword suggestions. Shows search volume data, PPC data. Limited advanced features. Rating: 3.5/5
  • Keywords Everywhere: Browser extension for real-time keyword data. Shows search volume, CPC. No free plan. Rating: 4/5
  • Surfer SEO: Focuses on content optimization. Content Editor. SERP Analyzer. Keyword Research tool. Limited free features. Rating: 4.5/5
  • SE Ranking: Comprehensive SEO features. Keyword research. Rank tracking. Competitive analysis. Basic interface. Rating: 4/5
  • Serpstat: Budget-friendly SEO toolkit. Keyword research. Rank tracking. Website audit. Basic interface. Rating: 4/5

Comparing Options: Google Keyword Planner Alternatives

Tool Key Features Pricing Link
Swiftbrief Comprehensive keyword research, clustering, content briefs Affordable, Real-time optimization Swiftbrief
Moz Keyword Explorer All-around SEO tool Priority score, competitive research Moz
Ahrefs Simple SEO tools Keyword Difficulty Checker, keyword research for non-search engines Ahrefs
Semrush Advanced SEO professionals Keyword Magic Tool, competitive Keyword Gap analysis Semrush Long-tail keyword suggestions Google Autocomplete, multiple languages
KWFinder (Mangools) Easy-to-use interface Exact search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC KWFinder
Ubersuggest Affordable and user-friendly Keyword suggestions, SEO audit Ubersuggest
WordStream Free keyword suggestions Search volume data, PPC data WordStream
Keywords Everywhere Browser extension for keyword data Real-time keyword data, search volume, CPC Keywords Everywhere
Surfer SEO Content optimization Content Editor, SERP Analyzer, Keyword Research tool Surfer SEO
SE Ranking Comprehensive SEO features Keyword research, rank tracking, competitive analysis SE Ranking
Serpstat Budget-friendly SEO toolkit Keyword research, rank tracking, website audit Serpstat

Criteria Breakdown

Before we dive into the specifics of each tool, it's important to understand what criteria will help you make the best decision:

1. Data Included: The best keyword research tools give you lots of data, like traffic, keyword difficulty, and competitive SERP analysis.

2. Data Sources: Trustworthy keyword data should come from reliable places like Google Analytics or Google Search Console.

3. Keyword Optimization Guidance: User-friendly tools that give clear suggestions for optimizing keywords.

4. Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades: Tools should have free plans you can actually use and affordable upgrades.

5. Standalone Functionality: The tool should work well on its own without needing other paid tools or extensions.


Best Known For: Comprehensive keyword research, clustering, content briefs

Swiftbrief is a powerful SEO tool that gives you comprehensive keyword research, keyword clustering, and detailed content briefs. Made by SEOs for SEOs, Swiftbrief helps you streamline your content planning and creation by automating the boring parts of content research. With data-backed keyword suggestions, real-time optimization tips, and an easy-to-use interface, Swiftbrief is designed to help you make high-quality, SEO-optimized content efficiently.

Swiftbrief dashboard showing keyword research and content brief data
Swiftbrief dashboard showing keyword research and content brief data


Swiftbrief has lots of features that make keyword research and content creation easier and better. Key features include data-backed keyword suggestions, keyword clustering, detailed content briefs, and real-time optimization suggestions. The tool also does competitor analysis and gives you specific guidelines to help you create content that works for both search engines and people.


Comprehensive Features

Swiftbrief has a wide range of features, from keyword research to content briefs, making it a versatile addition to any SEO toolkit.

Real-Time Optimization

The tool gives you real-time optimization suggestions, helping you create SEO-friendly content efficiently.


Limited Free Features

While Swiftbrief has a robust set of features, many of its more advanced functionalities are locked behind a paywall.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Swiftbrief scores exceptionally well on data inclusion, offering comprehensive metrics such as keyword suggestions, clustering, and competitive analysis. Rating: 4.5/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from reliable sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4.5/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Swiftbrief offers extensive keyword optimization guidance through features like real-time optimization suggestions and detailed content briefs. Rating: 4.5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

While the free features are limited, the paid plans offer extensive data and functionalities at affordable prices. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

Swiftbrief functions well independently, covering a broad spectrum of SEO needs. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Swiftbrief is highly regarded within the SEO community for its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. Users and experts alike praise its detailed metrics, real-time optimization suggestions, and the ability to streamline content creation processes.


Swiftbrief offers a range of pricing options designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs. The tool also provides a free trial to help users explore its features before committing to a paid plan.

Where to Find

Visit Swiftbrief

Moz Keyword Explorer

Best Known For: All-around SEO keyword research tool

Moz Keyword Explorer is known for its comprehensive set of SEO tools, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced professionals. It makes keyword research easy, with a user-friendly interface and powerful features like traffic data, keyword difficulty scores, and competitive SERP analysis.

Moz Keyword Explorer dashboard showing keyword data
Moz Keyword Explorer dashboard showing keyword data


Moz Keyword Explorer has many features that make keyword research easier and better. Key features include a "Priority" score that helps you figure out how valuable a keyword is, a keyword suggestions tool, and a competitive research feature that analyzes keywords your competitors are ranking for.


User-Friendly Interface

One of the best things about Moz Keyword Explorer is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to use even for SEO beginners.

Comprehensive Data

The tool gives you a wide range of data, including traffic, keyword difficulty, and competitive analysis, making it a comprehensive solution for keyword research.


Limited Free Plan

While Moz Keyword Explorer has a free plan, it only lets you do 10 queries per tool per month, which might not be enough for bigger keyword research projects.

Less Data Than Some Competitors

Compared to more robust tools like Ahrefs or Semrush, Moz Keyword Explorer provides less data, which might be a drawback for advanced users.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Moz Keyword Explorer scores well on data inclusion, offering traffic, keyword difficulty, and SERP analysis. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool pulls data from reliable sources like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, ensuring accuracy and trustworthiness. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

With features like the "Priority" score, Moz Keyword Explorer provides valuable keyword optimization guidance. Rating: 5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

Although the free plan is limited, the paid plans are reasonably priced, starting at $99/month. Rating: 3.5/5

Standalone Functionality

Moz Keyword Explorer functions well independently, without the need for additional paid tools. Rating: 5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Moz Keyword Explorer is generally well-regarded within the SEO community. Users praise its user-friendly interface and comprehensive data, while experts recommend it for its robust set of features and reliable data sources.


Moz Keyword Explorer offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start at $99/month, providing access to a broader range of tools and data.

Where to Find

Visit Moz Keyword Explorer


Best Known For: Simple SEO tools

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO toolkit known for its extensive database and easy-to-use interface. It offers a range of free SEO tools that cover everything from keyword research to backlink analysis, making it a versatile choice for SEOs of all levels.

Ahrefs dashboard showing keyword research data
Ahrefs dashboard showing keyword research data


Ahrefs offers a suite of features designed to simplify SEO tasks. Key features include a Free Keyword Generator, Keyword Difficulty Checker, and keyword research for non-search engines like YouTube and Amazon. The tool provides up to 150 keyword suggestions for free, along with data on monthly search volume and keyword difficulty.


Extensive Database

Ahrefs boasts one of the largest keyword databases, updated monthly, ensuring a wealth of keyword suggestions and data for users.

User-Friendly Interface

The tool is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible to both beginners and advanced users.


Limited Free Data

While Ahrefs offers a robust set of free tools, the amount of data available for free is limited compared to its paid plans.

Expensive Upgrades

The paid plans start at $99/month, which might be prohibitive for smaller businesses or individual SEOs.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Ahrefs scores exceptionally well on data inclusion, offering a wide array of metrics, including traffic, keyword difficulty, and SERP analysis. Rating: 4.5/5

Data Sources

The tool pulls data from reliable sources like Google Analytics, Search Console, and others. Rating: 4.5/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Ahrefs provides valuable keyword optimization guidance through features like the Keyword Difficulty Checker. Rating: 4/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

While the free tools are limited, the paid plans offer extensive data and features. Rating: 3/5

Standalone Functionality

Ahrefs functions well independently, covering a broad spectrum of SEO needs. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Ahrefs is highly regarded within the SEO community for its comprehensive and easy-to-use tools. Users and experts alike praise its extensive database and reliable data sources.


Ahrefs offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $99/month. Although on the higher end, the extensive features and data make it a valuable investment for serious SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Ahrefs


Best Known For: Advanced SEO professionals

Semrush is one of the most comprehensive SEO tools available, offering an extensive range of features designed for advanced SEO professionals. From detailed keyword research to competitive analysis and content optimization, Semrush provides everything you need to dominate search engine rankings.

Semrush dashboard showing keyword research data
Semrush dashboard showing keyword research data


Semrush offers a plethora of features, including the Keyword Magic Tool, which provides a vast database of over 20 billion keywords. Other notable features include competitive Keyword Gap analysis, Organic Traffic Insights, and the SEO Content Template for optimizing content in real-time.


Granular Data

Semrush provides an incredible amount of granular keyword data, making it ideal for advanced users who need detailed insights.

Wide Range of Tools

The tool offers a broad range of specialized keyword research tools, from traffic data to competitive analysis.


Overwhelming for Beginners

With so many features and data points, Semrush can be overwhelming for those new to SEO.


The paid plans start at $119.95/month, which might be prohibitive for smaller businesses or individual SEOs.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Semrush excels in data inclusion, offering a comprehensive set of metrics, including traffic, keyword difficulty, and SERP analysis. Rating: 5/5

Data Sources

The tool pulls data from reliable sources like Google Analytics, Search Console, and others. Rating: 5/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Semrush provides extensive keyword optimization guidance through features like the SEO Content Template. Rating: 5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

Although the free plan is limited, the paid plans offer a wide range of advanced features. Rating: 3.5/5

Standalone Functionality

Semrush functions well independently, covering a broad spectrum of SEO needs. Rating: 5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Semrush is highly regarded within the SEO community for its comprehensive data and advanced features. Users and experts alike praise its detailed insights and wide range of tools.


Semrush offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $119.95/month. Although on the higher end, the extensive features and data make it a valuable investment for serious SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Semrush

Best Known For: Long-tail keyword suggestions is a powerful keyword research tool celebrated for its ability to generate long-tail keyword suggestions quickly. This tool leverages Google Autocomplete to provide a comprehensive list of keyword ideas, making it an excellent choice for content marketers and SEOs looking to target niche queries. dashboard showing keyword suggestions dashboard showing keyword suggestions

Features offers several features that make it a valuable addition to your SEO toolkit. Key features include keyword suggestions from Google Autocomplete, search volume data, keyword trends, and competition analysis. The tool supports multiple languages and regions, ensuring relevance across different geographies.


Extensive Keyword Suggestions excels in providing a vast array of keyword suggestions, making it ideal for discovering long-tail keywords and niche queries.

Multi-Language Support

The tool supports multiple languages and regions, ensuring that users can find relevant keywords no matter where they are targeting.


Limited Free Features

While offers a free plan, many of its more advanced features, such as search volume data, are locked behind a paywall.

Basic Interface

The tool's interface is relatively basic, which may not be as appealing to users looking for more advanced functionalities and visualizations.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included provides extensive keyword suggestions and trends, but more detailed metrics like search volume and competition data are paid features. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages Google Autocomplete to generate keyword suggestions, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

The tool provides basic keyword optimization guidance, primarily through keyword suggestions and trends. Rating: 3.5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start at $69/month. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

The tool functions well independently but lacks some advanced features found in more comprehensive SEO tools. Rating: 3.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations is highly regarded for its ability to generate extensive keyword suggestions quickly. Users and experts appreciate its multi-language support and relevance for targeting niche queries.

Price offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start at $69/month. The paid plans unlock additional features such as search volume data and competition analysis.

Where to Find


KWFinder (Mangools)

Best Known For: Easy-to-use interface

KWFinder by Mangools is a popular keyword research tool known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. It offers a range of features designed to simplify the keyword research process, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced users.

KWFinder dashboard showing keyword research data
KWFinder dashboard showing keyword research data


KWFinder offers a variety of features that make keyword research straightforward and effective. Key features include exact search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC, and SERP analysis. The tool also provides keyword suggestions and trends, making it easier to stay ahead of the competition.


User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout features of KWFinder is its user-friendly interface, which makes it accessible even for those new to SEO.

Affordable Pricing

KWFinder offers affordable pricing plans, making it a cost-effective option for small businesses and individual SEOs.


Limited Free Searches

The free plan offers only five searches per day, which may not be sufficient for more extensive keyword research needs.

Basic Reporting Features

Compared to more advanced tools, KWFinder's reporting features are relatively basic, which might be a drawback for some users.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

KWFinder provides detailed metrics such as exact search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC, making it a comprehensive tool for keyword research. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool pulls data from various search engines, ensuring accuracy and relevance. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

KWFinder offers valuable keyword optimization guidance through features like keyword suggestions and trends. Rating: 4.5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

The free plan is limited but the paid plans are affordable, starting at $19.90/month. Rating: 4.5/5

Standalone Functionality

KWFinder functions well independently, providing a comprehensive suite of keyword research tools. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

KWFinder is highly praised for its user-friendly interface and affordability. Users and experts appreciate its detailed metrics and ease of use, making it a popular choice for keyword research.


KWFinder offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $19.90/month. The affordable pricing makes it accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit KWFinder


Best Known For: Affordable and user-friendly

Ubersuggest is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers keyword research, site audits, backlink data, and more. Known for its affordability and user-friendly interface, Ubersuggest is a great option for SEOs looking for a budget-friendly alternative.

Ubersuggest dashboard showing keyword research data
Ubersuggest dashboard showing keyword research data


Ubersuggest offers a range of features designed to make SEO tasks more manageable. Key features include keyword suggestions, SEO audit, backlink data, and competitive analysis. The tool also provides keyword trends and search volume data.


Affordable Pricing

Ubersuggest offers some of the most affordable pricing plans among SEO tools, making it accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Comprehensive Features

Despite its low cost, Ubersuggest provides a comprehensive range of SEO features, including site audits, keyword research, and backlink analysis.


Limited Advanced Features

While Ubersuggest offers a comprehensive set of features, it lacks some of the advanced functionalities found in more expensive tools.

Inconsistent Data

Some users have reported inconsistencies in the data provided by Ubersuggest, which may impact its reliability for detailed analysis.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Ubersuggest provides a comprehensive set of metrics, including keyword suggestions, trends, and search volume data. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and other sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Ubersuggest offers valuable keyword optimization guidance through features like keyword suggestions and trends. Rating: 4/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

Ubersuggest offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start at $12/month. Rating: 5/5

Standalone Functionality

The tool functions well independently, providing a comprehensive suite of SEO features. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Ubersuggest is praised for its affordability and user-friendly interface. Users and experts appreciate its comprehensive features and budget-friendly pricing, making it a popular choice for keyword research and SEO.


Ubersuggest offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $12/month. The affordable pricing makes it accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Ubersuggest


Best Known For: Free keyword suggestions

WordStream is a robust keyword research tool known for its free keyword suggestion feature. It provides a straightforward interface and a range of features designed to help users find valuable keywords for their SEO and PPC campaigns.

Ubersuggest dashboard showing keyword research data
Ubersuggest dashboard showing keyword research data


WordStream offers several features that make it a valuable tool for keyword research. Key features include free keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition analysis. The tool also provides keyword trends and PPC data, making it suitable for both SEO and paid search campaigns.


Free Keyword Suggestions

One of the standout features of WordStream is its free keyword suggestion tool, which provides valuable keyword ideas without requiring a paid subscription.

PPC Data

The tool offers comprehensive PPC data, making it a valuable resource for users running paid search campaigns.


Limited Advanced Features

While WordStream offers valuable keyword suggestions, it lacks some of the advanced features and metrics found in more comprehensive SEO tools.

Basic Interface

The tool's interface is relatively basic, which may not be as appealing to users looking for more advanced functionalities and visualizations.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

WordStream provides valuable keyword suggestions and PPC data, but lacks some of the more detailed metrics found in advanced tools. Rating: 3.5/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and Bing, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 3.5/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

WordStream provides basic keyword optimization guidance, primarily through keyword suggestions and PPC data. Rating: 3/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

WordStream offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans offer more comprehensive data. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

The tool functions well independently but lacks some advanced features found in more comprehensive SEO tools. Rating: 3.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

WordStream is praised for its free keyword suggestion tool and ease of use. Users and experts appreciate its straightforward interface and valuable PPC data, making it a popular choice for keyword research and PPC campaigns.


WordStream offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans offer more comprehensive data. The pricing structure is designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit WordStream

Keywords Everywhere

Best Known For: Browser extension for keyword data

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that provides real-time keyword data as you browse the web. Known for its convenience and ease of use, this tool is ideal for users who want quick access to keyword data without switching between different tools.

Keywords Everywhere browser extension showing keyword data
Keywords Everywhere browser extension showing keyword data


Keywords Everywhere offers several features that make it a valuable addition to your SEO toolkit. Key features include search volume, CPC, and competition data displayed directly on your browser as you perform searches on Google. The tool also provides keyword suggestions and trends based on real-time data.


Real-Time Data

One of the standout features of Keywords Everywhere is its ability to provide real-time keyword data as you browse, making it incredibly convenient.

Easy to Use

The browser extension is easy to install and use, providing valuable data without the need for complex setups or additional tools.


No Free Plan

Keywords Everywhere operates on a credit-based system, and there is no free plan available. Users must purchase credits to access keyword data.

Limited Integrations

The tool primarily functions as a browser extension and does not integrate with other SEO tools, which may limit its utility for some users.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Keywords Everywhere provides essential metrics like search volume, CPC, and competition data directly on your browser. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and other sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Keywords Everywhere offers basic keyword optimization guidance through real-time data and keyword suggestions. Rating: 4/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

The tool operates on a credit-based system, with credits starting at $10 for 100,000 keywords. Rating: 3.5/5

Standalone Functionality

The browser extension functions well independently, providing valuable keyword data without the need for additional tools. Rating: 4/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Keywords Everywhere is praised for its convenience and real-time data capabilities. Users and experts appreciate its ease of use and the ability to access keyword data directly on their browser.


Keywords Everywhere operates on a credit-based system, with credits starting at $10 for 100,000 keywords. The pricing structure is designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Keywords Everywhere

Surfer SEO

Best Known For: Content optimization

Surfer SEO is a comprehensive SEO tool focused on content optimization. It offers a range of features designed to help users create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that ranks well in search engines. Known for its data-driven approach, Surfer SEO is ideal for content creators and SEOs looking to optimize their content strategies.

Surfer SEO dashboard showing content optimization data
Surfer SEO dashboard showing content optimization data


Surfer SEO offers a variety of features that make content optimization more accessible and effective. Key features include the Content Editor, which provides real-time optimization suggestions, the SERP Analyzer for understanding competitive landscapes, and the Keyword Research tool for finding relevant keywords. Surfer SEO also offers a Content Planner to help users organize and plan their content strategies.


Data-Driven Approach

Surfer SEO is known for its data-driven approach, providing users with actionable insights and optimization suggestions based on real-time data.

Comprehensive Features

The tool offers a wide range of features, from content optimization to keyword research, making it a versatile addition to any SEO toolkit.


Limited Free Features

While Surfer SEO offers a free browser extension, many of its more advanced features are locked behind a paywall.

Learning Curve

The tool's comprehensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners, requiring some time to learn and master.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Surfer SEO provides detailed metrics and insights, including real-time content optimization suggestions and competitive analysis. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and other sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Surfer SEO offers extensive keyword optimization guidance through features like the Content Editor and SERP Analyzer. Rating: 4.5/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

The tool offers a free browser extension, with paid plans starting at $49/month. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

Surfer SEO functions well independently, providing a comprehensive suite of content optimization and keyword research tools. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Surfer SEO is praised for its data-driven approach and comprehensive feature set. Users and experts appreciate its real-time optimization suggestions and detailed insights, making it a popular choice for content optimization and keyword research.


Surfer SEO offers a free browser extension, with paid plans starting at $49/month. The pricing structure is designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Surfer SEO

SE Ranking

Best Known For: Comprehensive SEO features

SE Ranking is an all-in-one SEO tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to help users optimize their websites and improve search engine rankings. Known for its affordability and versatility, SE Ranking is a popular choice for SEOs and digital marketers.

SE Ranking dashboard showing SEO data
SE Ranking dashboard showing SEO data


SE Ranking offers a variety of features that make SEO more accessible and effective. Key features include keyword research, rank tracking, competitive analysis, website audit, and backlink monitoring. The tool also provides detailed reports and data visualizations to help users make informed decisions.


Affordable Pricing

SE Ranking offers some of the most affordable pricing plans among SEO tools, making it accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Comprehensive Features

The tool offers a wide range of features, from keyword research to website audits, making it a versatile addition to any SEO toolkit.


Limited Advanced Features

While SE Ranking offers a comprehensive set of features, it lacks some of the advanced functionalities found in more expensive tools.

Basic Interface

The tool's interface is relatively basic, which may not be as appealing to users looking for more advanced functionalities and visualizations.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

SE Ranking provides a comprehensive set of metrics, including keyword research, rank tracking, and website audit data. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and other sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

SE Ranking offers valuable keyword optimization guidance through features like keyword research and competitive analysis. Rating: 4/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

The tool offers a free trial, with paid plans starting at $44/month. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

SE Ranking functions well independently, providing a comprehensive suite of SEO tools. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is praised for its affordability and comprehensive features. Users and experts appreciate its detailed metrics and ease of use, making it a popular choice for keyword research and SEO.


SE Ranking offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $44/month. The pricing structure is designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit SE Ranking


Best Known For: Budget-friendly SEO toolkit

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO tool known for its affordability and versatility. It offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to help users optimize their websites and improve search engine rankings, making it a popular choice for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Serpstat dashboard showing SEO data
Serpstat dashboard showing SEO data


Serpstat offers a variety of features that make SEO more accessible and effective. Key features include keyword research, rank tracking, competitive analysis, website audit, and backlink monitoring. The tool also provides detailed reports and data visualizations to help users make informed decisions.


Affordable Pricing

Serpstat offers some of the most affordable pricing plans among SEO tools, making it accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Comprehensive Features

The tool offers a wide range of features, from keyword research to website audits, making it a versatile addition to any SEO toolkit.


Limited Advanced Features

While Serpstat offers a comprehensive set of features, it lacks some of the advanced functionalities found in more expensive tools.

Basic Interface

The tool's interface is relatively basic, which may not be as appealing to users looking for more advanced functionalities and visualizations.

Criteria Evaluation

Data Included

Serpstat provides a comprehensive set of metrics, including keyword research, rank tracking, and website audit data. Rating: 4/5

Data Sources

The tool leverages data from Google and other sources, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Rating: 4/5

Keyword Optimization Guidance

Serpstat offers valuable keyword optimization guidance through features like keyword research and competitive analysis. Rating: 4/5

Free Plan Allowances and Upgrades

Serpstat offers a free trial, with paid plans starting at $59/month. Rating: 4/5

Standalone Functionality

Serpstat functions well independently, providing a comprehensive suite of SEO tools. Rating: 4.5/5

Community Reviews and Expert Recommendations

Serpstat is praised for its affordability and comprehensive features. Users and experts appreciate its detailed metrics and ease of use, making it a popular choice for keyword research and SEO.


Serpstat offers a range of pricing options, with paid plans starting at $59/month. The pricing structure is designed to be accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.

Where to Find

Visit Serpstat

Notable Mentions

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free browser extension that provides search volume data, visibility metrics, and on-page data right in your search results. It's an excellent tool for quick keyword research and content planning.


AnswerThePublic is a unique keyword research tool that visualizes search questions and suggested autocomplete searches in an image called a search cloud. It's particularly useful for generating content ideas and understanding user intent.


Wordtracker is a robust keyword research tool that provides search volume, competition data, and a unique Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) to help users prioritize their keyword strategies. It's known for its comprehensive keyword database and detailed metrics.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that provides insights into the relative popularity of search terms over time. It's particularly useful for identifying trending topics and understanding seasonal search patterns.


What is the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner?

The best alternative to Google Keyword Planner depends on your specific needs. For comprehensive SEO features, Semrush and Ahrefs are excellent choices. For budget-friendly options, consider Ubersuggest or KWFinder.

Are there any free keyword research tools?

Yes, several free keyword research tools are available, including Keyword Surfer, WordStream, and Google Trends. These tools offer basic keyword data and insights without the need for a paid subscription.

How do I choose the right keyword research tool?

Choosing the right keyword research tool depends on several factors, including your budget, the features you need, and your level of expertise. Consider the data included, data sources, keyword optimization guidance, and the pricing plans offered by each tool.

Can keyword research tools help with SEO?

Yes, keyword research tools are essential for SEO as they help identify valuable keywords, understand search intent, and optimize content for search engines. Tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Surfer SEO offer comprehensive features that aid in improving search engine rankings.

What are long-tail keywords and why are they important?

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they're closer to a point of purchase or when using voice search. They are important because they often have lower competition and higher conversion rates compared to short, generic keywords.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right keyword research tool is crucial for any successful SEO strategy. Each of the tools reviewed in this roundup offers unique features and benefits tailored to different needs and budgets. Whether you're a seasoned SEO professional or just starting, there's a tool on this list that can help you achieve your goals. Remember, the key to effective keyword research is not just finding the right keywords but understanding how to use them to optimize your content and improve your search engine rankings.

Summary of Learnings

  • Comprehensive tools like Semrush and Ahrefs offer extensive features but come at a higher cost.
  • Budget-friendly options like Ubersuggest and KWFinder are accessible for small businesses and individual SEOs.
  • Free tools like Keyword Surfer and Google Trends provide valuable insights without requiring a paid subscription.
  • Understanding your specific needs and budget is crucial in selecting the right tool.

Swiftbrief can help address some of the pain points you might encounter with keyword research tools. Our platform automates the tedious parts of content research, enabling you to focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. With features like keyword clustering, detailed content briefs, and real-time optimization suggestions, Swiftbrief is the perfect companion tool to enhance your SEO strategy. Sign up now to streamline your content creation process and boost your search engine rankings.

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