The Ultimate Guide for Amazon Keyword Research in 2024

Discover the ultimate guide to Amazon keyword research in 2024. Learn how to enhance product visibility and sales with effective keyword strategies.

Elie Akl

July 17, 2024

12 minute read

Whether you're a seasoned seller or a newcomer, understanding how to effectively research and apply keywords can significantly enhance your product's visibility and sales on Amazon. This guide will walk you through every aspect of keyword research, from basic concepts to advanced strategies, and show you how to leverage tools like Swiftbrief to streamline the process.

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon keyword research is essential for product visibility and sales.
  • Use tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and SEMrush to find and analyze keywords.
  • Implement a structured approach to keyword research, including brainstorming, tool usage, and performance tracking.
  • Optimize product listings with primary and secondary keywords.
  • Continuously monitor and adjust your keyword strategy for optimal results.
  • Swiftbrief can streamline your keyword research process and enhance your SEO strategy.

Importance of Amazon Keyword Research

Amazon keyword research is crucial for ensuring your products are discoverable by potential buyers. By identifying and using the right keywords, you can improve your product's visibility and ranking in Amazon search results, ultimately driving more traffic and sales.

Why Amazon Keyword Research is Crucial

Effective keyword research can significantly impact your product's visibility, ranking, and sales on Amazon. By understanding what potential customers are searching for, you can tailor your listings to match their search queries and increase your chances of appearing in top search results.

Search Visibility

Higher visibility in search results leads to more clicks and potential sales. When your product ranks higher for relevant keywords, it becomes more likely that customers will find and purchase your product. In fact, over 70% of Amazon customers never click past the first page of search results [BigCommerce].

ahrefs keyword explorer

Ranking Algorithm

Understanding Amazon's A10 algorithm, which considers factors like keyword relevance, sales history, and reviews, is essential for effective keyword research. This algorithm determines which products appear at the top of search results, making it crucial to optimize your listings accordingly.

Conversion Rates

Proper keyword usage can improve conversion rates by attracting the right audience. When your product listings are optimized with relevant keywords, you're more likely to attract customers who are ready to purchase. The average conversion rate for Amazon sellers is around 10-15% [WebRetailer], but this can be significantly higher with effective keyword optimization.

Tools for Amazon Keyword Research

Utilizing the right tools can streamline the keyword research process, providing insights into search volumes, competition, and relevancy. In this section, we'll explore some of the most popular keyword research tools for Amazon sellers.

Swiftbrief SEO roadmap
Swiftbrief Roadmap

Popular Keyword Research Tools

Several tools are available that cater to different aspects of Amazon keyword research. These tools can help you identify high-traffic keywords, analyze competition, and track keyword performance.


Swiftbrief's content outline generator leverages advanced SEO algorithms to craft detailed, high-quality outlines tailored to your specific needs. By incorporating factors like keyword relevance and competitive analysis, Swiftbrief ensures your content is optimized for search engines and audience engagement. For instance, you can use Swiftbrief to generate outlines that rank higher on search engines while maintaining a natural flow and readability, giving you a distinct advantage in content marketing.

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout tool pulls data directly from Amazon, providing exact match search volumes and trending information. This tool is invaluable for identifying high-converting keywords and understanding market trends. For example, you can use Keyword Scout to find keywords with high search volume but low competition, giving you a competitive edge.

Helium 10

Helium 10's Magnet offers search volume trends, competition levels, and PPC bid suggestions. This comprehensive tool helps you identify high-volume, low-competition keywords to target in your listings. You can also use Helium 10's Cerebro tool for reverse ASIN lookup, allowing you to analyze your competitors' keyword strategies.


SEMrush provides keyword analytics across multiple platforms, including Amazon, helping refine keyword strategies. With detailed reports on search volumes, trends, and competition, SEMrush is a powerful tool for keyword research. You can use SEMrush to find keyword gaps and identify new opportunities to rank for relevant search terms.

Steps for Conducting Amazon Keyword Research

Following a structured approach to keyword research ensures thoroughness and effectiveness. In this section, we'll outline the essential steps for conducting Amazon keyword research.

Initial Keyword Brainstorming

Start by brainstorming potential keywords related to your product. This initial step involves identifying broad terms that describe your product, known as seed keywords, and generating more specific, niche keywords, known as long-tail keywords.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are broad terms that describe your product. These keywords serve as the foundation for your keyword research, helping you generate a comprehensive list of relevant search terms. For example, if you're selling a kitchen knife set, your seed keywords might include "kitchen knives," "knife set," and "cooking knives."

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and often less competitive than seed keywords. These keywords target niche markets and can help you attract highly targeted traffic to your product listings. For example, "stainless steel kitchen knife set" or "professional chef knife set" are long-tail keywords that target specific customer needs.

Using Keyword Tools

Leverage keyword research tools to refine and expand your keyword list. These tools provide valuable insights into search volumes, competition, and trends, helping you identify the most effective keywords to target. For instance, you can use Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout to find high-volume, low-competition keywords related to your seed keywords.

Search Volume Analysis

Analyze search volumes to prioritize high-demand keywords. By focusing on keywords with high search volumes, you can increase your chances of attracting more traffic to your product listings. Tools like Helium 10's Magnet provide detailed search volume data, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

Competition Analysis

Evaluate competition levels to find opportunities with lower competition. By targeting low-competition keywords, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more customers. SEMrush offers comprehensive competition analysis, helping you identify keywords with high potential for success.

Analyzing and Filtering Keywords

Filter and prioritize your keywords based on relevance, volume, and competition. This step ensures that you're targeting the most effective keywords for your product listings. Consider factors like relevance to your product, search trends, and long-term viability when selecting your final keyword list.

Relevance to Product

Ensure the keywords are highly relevant to your product to attract the right audience. By focusing on relevant keywords, you can improve the chances of converting visitors into customers. For example, if you're selling a high-end kitchen knife set, targeting keywords like "budget kitchen knives" might attract the wrong audience.

Search Trends

Consider seasonal trends and long-term viability of keywords. By understanding search trends, you can adjust your keyword strategy to align with changing customer behaviors. For instance, targeting keywords related to "holiday gift ideas" during the festive season can help you capitalize on seasonal demand.

Applying Keywords to Amazon Listings

Strategically placing keywords in your product listings can enhance visibility and ranking. In this section, we'll discuss how to effectively incorporate keywords into your Amazon listings.

Product Titles

The product title is the most critical place for primary keywords. By placing primary keywords early in the title, you can maximize their impact on search rankings and visibility. For example, a well-optimized title for a kitchen knife set might be "Professional Stainless Steel Kitchen Knife Set - 8 Piece Chef Knives with Wooden Block."

Optimal Length

Keep titles concise yet descriptive, adhering to Amazon's character limits. A well-crafted title should include essential keywords while remaining readable and informative. Amazon allows up to 200 characters for most product titles, so make sure to use this space effectively.

Keyword Placement

Place primary keywords early in the title for maximum impact. This practice ensures that your most important keywords are given priority by Amazon's search algorithm. In the example above, "Kitchen Knife Set" and "Chef Knives" are placed early in the title for optimal visibility.

Product Descriptions and Bullet Points

Utilize secondary keywords in descriptions and bullet points to cover more search terms. This practice helps you reach a broader audience and improve your product's visibility in search results.

Descriptive Content

Ensure the content is readable and informative, not just keyword-stuffed. Focus on providing valuable information to customers while naturally incorporating keywords. Use your product description to highlight key features, benefits, and use cases, while strategically including relevant keywords.

Feature Highlights

Use bullet points to detail key product features and benefits, incorporating relevant keywords. This practice helps customers quickly understand the value of your product. For example, a bullet point for a kitchen knife set might read: "High-quality stainless steel blades ensure durability and precision cutting."

Backend Keywords

Backend keywords are hidden from customers but essential for Amazon's search algorithm. By filling out the backend keywords section, you can improve your product's discoverability without affecting the front-end content.

Search Terms Field

Fill this field with additional relevant keywords not included in the front-end content. This practice helps you capture more search queries without cluttering your product listings. Make sure to include synonyms, variations, and related terms to maximize your keyword coverage.

Variations and Synonyms

Include common misspellings, synonyms, and variations to capture more searches. This practice ensures that your product appears in a wider range of search results. For example, include both "chef knives" and "cooking knives" in your backend keywords to cover different search queries.

Keyword joke
Source: https:

Advanced Strategies for Amazon Keyword Research

Delving deeper into advanced strategies can give you a competitive edge in Amazon keyword research. These strategies include leveraging competitor analysis, using long-tail keywords, and optimizing for voice search.

Competitor Analysis

Analyzing competitors can reveal valuable insights into effective keyword strategies. By understanding what keywords your competitors are using, you can optimize your own listings to outperform them.

Reverse ASIN Lookup

Tools like Helium 10's Cerebro or Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout can help you discover which keywords your competitors rank for. This information is invaluable for identifying new keyword opportunities and refining your strategy. Simply enter a competitor's ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) into the tool to uncover their keyword rankings.

Analyzing Competitor Listings

Examine the keywords used in competitor titles, bullet points, and descriptions to identify potential opportunities. By understanding how your competitors optimize their listings, you can improve your own keyword strategy. Look for gaps in their keyword targeting and find ways to differentiate your listings.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific, often less competitive, and can target niche markets effectively. By incorporating long-tail keywords into your strategy, you can attract highly targeted traffic to your product listings.

Identifying Long-Tail Keywords

Use tools to generate long-tail keyword suggestions that are highly relevant to your product. These keywords often have lower competition and can help you capture a niche audience. For example, "ergonomic stainless steel chef knife set" is a long-tail keyword that targets a specific customer need.

Incorporating Long-Tail Keywords

Strategically place long-tail keywords in your listings to capture highly targeted search traffic. This practice can improve your product's visibility and conversion rates. Use long-tail keywords in your product descriptions, bullet points, and backend search terms to cover a wide range of specific search queries.

Optimizing for Voice Search

With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search can help you capture a growing segment of Amazon shoppers. Voice search queries are often longer and more conversational, so your keywords should reflect natural language usage.

Understanding Voice Search Behavior

Voice search queries are often longer and more conversational, so your keywords should reflect natural language usage. By understanding how customers use voice search, you can tailor your listings to match their queries. For example, a voice search query might be "Alexa, find a high-quality stainless steel kitchen knife set."

Implementing Voice Search Keywords

Incorporate natural language phrases and questions into your product listings to optimize for voice search. This practice helps you reach customers who use voice-activated devices to search for products. Include conversational phrases and long-tail keywords in your product descriptions and backend search terms to capture voice search queries.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Keyword Strategy

Continuous monitoring and adjustment of your keyword strategy are crucial for maintaining and improving your product's visibility on Amazon. By tracking keyword performance and making data-driven adjustments, you can ensure long-term success.

ahrefs Keyword Tracker

Tracking Keyword Performance

Regularly track the performance of your keywords to understand their impact on your product's ranking and sales. Use tools to monitor keyword rankings and sales data, and adjust your strategy based on performance metrics. Consistent monitoring allows you to identify trends and make timely adjustments to your keyword targeting.

Keyword Ranking Tools

Use tools like Helium 10's Keyword Tracker and Jungle Scout's Rank Tracker to monitor your keyword rankings and make necessary adjustments. These tools provide valuable insights into how your keywords are performing and where improvements can be made. Set up regular tracking and alerts to stay on top of your keyword performance.

Sales and Conversion Data

Analyze your sales and conversion data to determine which keywords are driving the most traffic and sales. This information is crucial for refining your keyword strategy and focusing on high-performing keywords. Use Amazon's Brand Analytics or third-party tools to access detailed sales and conversion data for your products.

Adjusting Based on Performance

Make data-driven adjustments to your keyword strategy based on performance metrics. By regularly updating your keywords and optimizing your listings, you can maintain high visibility and drive consistent sales. Remove underperforming keywords and replace them with new, high-potential keywords based on your research and analysis.

Refining Keyword Lists

Remove underperforming keywords and add new ones based on current trends and performance data. This practice ensures that your keyword strategy remains effective and aligned with market trends. Continuously refine your keyword lists to focus on the most relevant and high-performing search terms for your products.

Updating Listings

Regularly update your product listings with optimized keywords to maintain and improve search rankings. This practice helps you stay competitive and reach more customers. As you identify new keyword opportunities and remove underperforming ones, make sure to update your product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and backend search terms accordingly.Integrating Swiftbrief for Ongoing Success

Swiftbrief can be an invaluable tool for Amazon sellers looking to optimize their keyword strategies. By using Swiftbrief's data-backed keyword suggestions and clustering features, you can streamline your keyword research process, ensuring you target the most relevant and high-traffic keywords. This not only saves time but also enhances your product listings' effectiveness, driving better visibility and higher sales.

Swiftbrief Benefits for Amazon Sellers

Swiftbrief offers a range of features that make it an essential tool for Amazon sellers. From data-backed keyword suggestions to comprehensive keyword clustering, Swiftbrief helps you optimize your listings for maximum visibility and sales. By leveraging Swiftbrief's powerful features, you can gain a competitive edge and drive long-term success on Amazon.

Data-Backed Keyword Suggestions

Ensure you use the most effective keywords based on search volume and competition. Swiftbrief's data-backed keyword suggestions help you identify high-traffic keywords that can drive more visitors to your listings. By focusing on keywords with proven potential, you can improve your product's visibility and attract more qualified leads.

Keyword Clustering

Group related keywords to enhance your content strategy and SEO efforts. Swiftbrief's keyword clustering feature helps you organize your keywords into logical groups, making it easier to optimize your listings. By targeting keyword clusters, you can create more comprehensive and effective product listings that cover a wide range of relevant search queries.

Dynamic Content Briefs

Create and update content briefs that incorporate the latest SEO and keyword data. Swiftbrief's dynamic content briefs ensure that your listings are always optimized with the most relevant keywords. By using data-driven content briefs, you can streamline your optimization process and ensure that your listings are always up-to-date with the latest keyword trends.

Optimization Suggestions

Get real-time suggestions to improve your product listings and content. Swiftbrief's optimization suggestions help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your listings are always optimized for maximum visibility. By following these suggestions, you can fine-tune your keyword strategy and create listings that resonate with your target audience.

Learnings Recap

In this guide, we've covered the essential aspects of Amazon keyword research, from basic concepts to advanced strategies. Here's a recap of the key takeaways:

  • Amazon keyword research is essential for product visibility and sales.
  • Use tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and SEMrush to find and analyze keywords.
  • Implement a structured approach to keyword research, including brainstorming, tool usage, and performance tracking.
  • Optimize product listings with primary and secondary keywords.
  • Continuously monitor and adjust your keyword strategy for optimal results.
  • Swiftbrief can streamline your keyword research process and enhance your SEO strategy.

Final Thoughts

Amazon keyword research is a critical component of a successful selling strategy. By understanding and applying the concepts and strategies covered in this guide, you can improve your product's visibility, drive more traffic, and ultimately increase sales. Remember, continuous monitoring and optimization are key to staying competitive in the ever-evolving Amazon marketplace.

Swiftbrief is here to support you in your Amazon keyword research journey. With our data-backed insights and powerful tools, you can streamline your keyword strategy and focus on what truly matters - growing your business. Sign up today and take the first step towards Amazon success with Swiftbrief.

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